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How to Effectively Manage Facebook Reviews

There are several benefits to allowing Facebook reviews for your brand. Not only can you get more reviews and get rid of fake ones, but positive reviews can benefit your business. Below are some tips to help you manage your Facebook reviews and remove spammy content.

Positive Facebook reviews 

Positive Facebook reviews are a great way to improve your business and gain more exposure. Potential customers read reviews online before making a purchase, and a positive Facebook review can help you increase your visibility and build trust with potential customers. After all, if a customer has a great experience, they’ll be more likely to buy from you again.

One of the most important things to do after a positive review is to respond. If the review is positive, you should thank the customer for their feedback and tell them how much it means. Likewise, if your Facebook reviews are negative, responding to the customer’s concerns is essential.

Facebook has a star rating system that encourages customers to rate businesses. This increases the visibility of your business on the site and allows readers to discover new businesses. The social network has a considerable following, and 74 percent of Americans use it to research local businesses. Facebook affects more than half of all purchase decisions. Moreover, 81 percent of people said that the recommendations of their friends directly influenced them. Positive Facebook reviews are also a great way to increase the credibility of a local business.

Another way that positive Facebook reviews can help your business is by increasing the number of 5-star reviews. Although this seems like a magic trick, there are a few simple steps that you can take to boost your 5-star reviews. 

Get more Facebook reviews

There are a few ways to encourage customers to write a Facebook review. For one thing, you can ask customers to give you a review when they visit your business. You can also add a link to your website so customers can leave a review, or you can hang a sign in your store asking them to do so. The more reviews you receive, the better your chances of getting more customers to visit and buy from you.

Another way to ask customers to leave a review is to send them an email asking them to do so. The majority of customers will leave a review if they are asked. You can also send text messages asking people to leave a review. Depending on your business, this can be a great way to get more Facebook reviews.

Having more reviews for your business is essential because many people read reviews before making a purchase. Seventy-eight percent of consumers are likely to leave a review. Therefore, your brand must engage customers on Facebook and encourage them to do so. You can also moderate reviews, delete those that aren’t helpful, and encourage those who leave a positive review.

To get more Facebook reviews, you need to understand how Facebook rates businesses. Facebook recommends businesses based on the number of people who have left a review for your business. The number of reviews you receive will affect your overall rating, a mixture of past five-star rating systems, and the current Yes/No recommendations.

Remove fake Facebook reviews

If you are a business owner and you have noticed that you have numerous fake Facebook reviews, you may be wondering how to remove them from your business page. Luckily, you can take a few simple steps to take care of the issue. First, you should report the reviews to Facebook. Secondly, you should take note of any star ratings that are either without content or are low-rated. To deal with fake reviews, you must respond to any complaints as soon as possible.

Often, fake reviews are written by competitors, former employees, or real customers who have become angry. They are often exaggerated to make a business look bad. Facebook makes it easy for businesses to report these fake reviews. But, if there are too many fake reviews, it can negatively impact your business. Therefore, it is essential to respond promptly and professionally.

While many reviews on Facebook are harmless pranks pulled by online trolls, fake reviews significantly impact a company’s reputation. So, it’s essential to know how to remove fake Facebook reviews, so they don’t harm the business. Fake reviews are not only damaging to the business’s online reputation, but they can also deter potential customers. The best way to handle these negative reviews is to respond immediately and resolve the situation before it worsens.

Although fake reviews are more challenging to remove than you may think, you can still take steps to address the situation. First, you need to disable the review function on your page. Once you have done this, any negative reviews you’ve received will be hidden from your customers. It is important to remember that fake reviews are often detrimental to a brand’s reputation, so disabling reviews is a quick and effective way to eliminate them.

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing a Streaming Service

Streaming services allow users to watch and listen to media files without downloading them to their computers. The process will enable them to experience an ongoing event in real time and offers an uninterrupted viewing experience. However, the process can be costly. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a streaming service.

It is a method of viewing or listening to media files without downloading them.

Streaming allows users to watch, listen to or play content on a computer or mobile device without having to download the file first. It is a popular way to enjoy the video, audio, and game content online. By receiving the data from the start of the movie or game, computers or mobile devices can begin playing the content immediately.

The streaming process is faster than downloading the media file itself. A strong signal and uninterrupted playback are required to view or listen to a streaming movie or audio file. It is crucial to search streaming services that will break up the content into smaller data packets and send them to the device’s audio player. Once enough of these packets arrive at the browser, it will begin playing the file.

It allows users to experience an ongoing event in real-time.

A streaming service is a multimedia content delivery network that enables users to experience an ongoing event in real-time. The content is delivered in small data packets so that it does not need to be downloaded. The service typically requires some form of payment. However, many streaming services are free. It would help if you had a high-speed internet connection and a streaming device to access these services.

Live streaming is also a good option for businesses and brands to increase viewer engagement. In addition to generating brand awareness, it can also increase engagement with the event. For example, speakers and personal brands can reach a large audience in real time. It also allows them to gain valuable insight into the demographics of their audience, allowing them to create customized events based on their preferences.

It allows users to enjoy a seamless viewing experience.

Streaming services are software applications that let you enjoy media in continuous loops without downloading the entire file. Instead, the content is transmitted in small data packets and stored on the user’s device to be played remotely. The concept has been around since the 90s but caught on after the invention of the iPhone and the rise of Flash.

Streaming services have a huge opportunity to provide consumers with an entirely new way to consume content. They can serve personalized ads based on the user’s behavior and preferences. However, to maintain subscribers, they need to meet the demands of the growing number of consumers and differentiate their services.

It can be dangerous for artists.

Artists are worried that streaming services may not be paying them royalties. However, it’s not entirely their fault. The streaming services are paying royalties based on agreements with labels and distributors. These royalties come from subscriptions and ad money. Artists have to fight for their royalties.

Additionally vulnerable to the scam are streaming services. These phony albums frequently consist of material that has been leaked or someone posing as an artist. Identity theft has also occurred in some instances. 

Streaming services can be good for fans, but they can be harmful to artists. The first problem with streaming is that the payout rates for artists are so low. While streaming sites make billions of dollars, they can’t pay musicians as much as they would like.

What is Email Security Gateway and Its Importance?

An email server guards a company’s or a user’s internal email servers. Every email sent and received goes through an email gateway. A Secure Email Gateway (SEG) tracks every email sent and received. Unwanted messages might be spam, phishing scams, viruses, or fraudulent material. 

There are several factors to consider when choosing a security gateway for your email servers. Some of them are Cloud-based or on-premises deployment, protection against ransomware and phishing, and cost-effectiveness. In addition, some reputable in this area or the known top 11 email security gateways might be of assistance. So let’s examine these factors and determine whether an email security gateway is right for your organization. 

Cloud-based or on-premises

When it comes to protecting your email, whether you choose an on-premises or cloud-based solution depends on what type of data you have and how you process it. An on-premise solution can be easier to implement, requires less ongoing maintenance, and has better control over data. On-premise solutions are also better for storing and transmitting sensitive information.

Organizations that deploy on-premises email protection must purchase hardware, maintain software, and connect email servers. By contrast, companies that deploy secure email gateway services as cloud services don’t have to worry about these issues, as security vendors maintain the service. Cloud services can also quickly scale to meet peak email traffic and user numbers.

Protection against phishing

Email Security Gateway can help protect your business against phishing attacks and other email-borne threats. It can prevent your organization from being infected with malware and reduce downtime from advanced threats. This solution can also sanitize emails to prevent them from being infected with viruses and other malware. Its advanced scanning technology can detect up to 98% of malware while limiting the time your organization is vulnerable to attacks from email. It can also identify suspicious scripts sent by untrusted senders. It can even identify links within external images and short URLs and warn you of them. It also protects you from phishing and spoofing and can be easily configured for private or public groups so that you can set your security policy for your business. In addition, it will apply recommended settings to all email accounts.

The Email Security Gateway can scan all emails sent to or from your business, identifying suspicious links and other malicious content. It will also block or redirect any email messages that contain sensitive information. The Security Gateway will also allow you to limit the number of messages you allow to pass through the gateway. If it exceeds the limit, the system will disable the compromised account and route all outgoing emails to the default mail server.

Protection against ransomware

An Email Security Gateway can protect your email from ransomware and other targeted attacks. It offers a comprehensive email security solution with anti-virus and spam filtering, data protection, and DoS prevention. It also has policy management and automatic update capabilities to address new threats. The cloud-based service is compatible with Microsoft Office 365 and supports multi-layer protection.

Email security gateways work by filtering and blocking malicious email before it reaches your employees’ inboxes. They can be standalone or combined with on-premises installations. Moreover, they can complement web-based email gateways to provide comprehensive email protection. Email security gateways can also incorporate sophisticated fraud detection, account takeover detection, and user education about phishing attacks.


Organizations must address email security. Email security solutions come in a variety of forms. Some are on-premises, while others are cloud-based. Cost-effectiveness is crucial when choosing an email security solution. The most common security risk is phishing.

Email security gateways are helpful in several detection techniques in parallel. Vendors will provide typical detection rates for different types of email threats, which can vary by organization. It is essential to tune the detection methodologies to match the organization’s needs. Some organizations tolerate high false negative rates, while others may not.

The cost-effectiveness of email security gateways depends on a few factors. For example, if a company wants to implement an on-premise email security gateway, it must be able to accommodate the extra costs associated with the hardware. In addition, the gateway should be easy to install and receive ongoing software and security updates. For this reason, conducting “Proof of concept” testing is essential first.

Management dashboard

The email security gateway is a powerful tool to help companies protect their emails from malicious messages. It offers logging and reporting capabilities that allow administrators to keep track of their email security. The gateway also provides email archiving capabilities, which can help businesses store emails for legal compliance and data management. Additionally, it provides users with a management dashboard that offers improved visibility into the email traffic on their network and insight into business productivity.

The email security gateway management dashboard shows detailed information on all threats identified. Users can easily view and filter email traffic by selecting threat categories or periods. The dashboard also contains other details, such as the number of emails scanned and the number of licenses used.

Taking a Look at the Future of Shopping Malls

Did you know that in-person holiday shopping is projected to lower by twenty-five percent this holiday season? The coronavirus pandemic has altered our lives in many ways, including the way that we shop.

How will shopping malls continue to cater to the needs of shoppers and attract in-person sales in retail stores? Here are three things that could change in the future of shopping malls.

More Storage for Customers

One of the biggest drawbacks for mall customers is the need to carry around bags of goods after purchasing them. However, this problem can easily be fixed with shopping malls providing on-site storage that is safe and reliable.

Customers would be able to rent out a storage space in a designated area of the mall, where they can go back and forth to deposit items that they have bought. For a nominal fee, they can make shopping much easier.

Some locker companies even offer solutions like keyless entry. For those who are afraid of losing a key to a locker or storage unit, companies such as National Lockers and Shelving have units that can be activated with a PIN or key code, rather than a physical lock and key.

Luxury Dining and Services

For shopping malls, another tactic to draw in more physical shoppers is changing the space to be more luxurious and inviting. Including movie theaters and other amenities in shopping malls may be the ticket to keep customers in the space for longer periods of time.

A trend that has taken off with shopping malls recently is integrating grocery stores into the mall itself. This way, consumers can buy some of the household goods and other items they need at a more convenient price, rather than from specialty stores.

Although the food court has long been a staple of the classic shopping mall experience, the restaurant space in malls is changing to fit a growing need for customers. Many opt for more upscale restaurants within the shopping center.

Targeted Centers for Different Demographics

One of the biggest reasons why shopping malls have been losing customers is because of a changing demographic. Younger generations seem to be more attracted to online shopping due to its perceived convenience.

Mall developers can look at nearby residential areas and gauge what the target demographic is. For example, if the mall happens to be near a retirement community, the shopping center can cater to an older aged population.

The shopping mall plan would include restaurants, retail stores, and experiences that would help to attract the target market. Creating a customized shopping experience is a great way to keep bringing consumers into shopping malls of the future.

The Future of Shopping Malls is Always Changing

When it comes to the future of shopping malls, it will ultimately be dictated by how technology and consumer habits evolve.

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Yahoo and AOL just gave themselves the right to read your emails (again) – CNET

Though Yahoo was already scanning its users’ emails to maximize ad opportunities, doubling-down on the policy could raise eyebrows in a post-Cambridge Analytica world. Read More

Source:: CNET