What is Email Security Gateway and Its Importance?

An email server guards a company’s or a user’s internal email servers. Every email sent and received goes through an email gateway. A Secure Email Gateway (SEG) tracks every email sent and received. Unwanted messages might be spam, phishing scams, viruses, or fraudulent material. 

There are several factors to consider when choosing a security gateway for your email servers. Some of them are Cloud-based or on-premises deployment, protection against ransomware and phishing, and cost-effectiveness. In addition, some reputable in this area or the known top 11 email security gateways might be of assistance. So let’s examine these factors and determine whether an email security gateway is right for your organization. 

Cloud-based or on-premises

When it comes to protecting your email, whether you choose an on-premises or cloud-based solution depends on what type of data you have and how you process it. An on-premise solution can be easier to implement, requires less ongoing maintenance, and has better control over data. On-premise solutions are also better for storing and transmitting sensitive information.

Organizations that deploy on-premises email protection must purchase hardware, maintain software, and connect email servers. By contrast, companies that deploy secure email gateway services as cloud services don’t have to worry about these issues, as security vendors maintain the service. Cloud services can also quickly scale to meet peak email traffic and user numbers.

Protection against phishing

Email Security Gateway can help protect your business against phishing attacks and other email-borne threats. It can prevent your organization from being infected with malware and reduce downtime from advanced threats. This solution can also sanitize emails to prevent them from being infected with viruses and other malware. Its advanced scanning technology can detect up to 98% of malware while limiting the time your organization is vulnerable to attacks from email. It can also identify suspicious scripts sent by untrusted senders. It can even identify links within external images and short URLs and warn you of them. It also protects you from phishing and spoofing and can be easily configured for private or public groups so that you can set your security policy for your business. In addition, it will apply recommended settings to all email accounts.

The Email Security Gateway can scan all emails sent to or from your business, identifying suspicious links and other malicious content. It will also block or redirect any email messages that contain sensitive information. The Security Gateway will also allow you to limit the number of messages you allow to pass through the gateway. If it exceeds the limit, the system will disable the compromised account and route all outgoing emails to the default mail server.

Protection against ransomware

An Email Security Gateway can protect your email from ransomware and other targeted attacks. It offers a comprehensive email security solution with anti-virus and spam filtering, data protection, and DoS prevention. It also has policy management and automatic update capabilities to address new threats. The cloud-based service is compatible with Microsoft Office 365 and supports multi-layer protection.

Email security gateways work by filtering and blocking malicious email before it reaches your employees’ inboxes. They can be standalone or combined with on-premises installations. Moreover, they can complement web-based email gateways to provide comprehensive email protection. Email security gateways can also incorporate sophisticated fraud detection, account takeover detection, and user education about phishing attacks.


Organizations must address email security. Email security solutions come in a variety of forms. Some are on-premises, while others are cloud-based. Cost-effectiveness is crucial when choosing an email security solution. The most common security risk is phishing.

Email security gateways are helpful in several detection techniques in parallel. Vendors will provide typical detection rates for different types of email threats, which can vary by organization. It is essential to tune the detection methodologies to match the organization’s needs. Some organizations tolerate high false negative rates, while others may not.

The cost-effectiveness of email security gateways depends on a few factors. For example, if a company wants to implement an on-premise email security gateway, it must be able to accommodate the extra costs associated with the hardware. In addition, the gateway should be easy to install and receive ongoing software and security updates. For this reason, conducting “Proof of concept” testing is essential first.

Management dashboard

The email security gateway is a powerful tool to help companies protect their emails from malicious messages. It offers logging and reporting capabilities that allow administrators to keep track of their email security. The gateway also provides email archiving capabilities, which can help businesses store emails for legal compliance and data management. Additionally, it provides users with a management dashboard that offers improved visibility into the email traffic on their network and insight into business productivity.

The email security gateway management dashboard shows detailed information on all threats identified. Users can easily view and filter email traffic by selecting threat categories or periods. The dashboard also contains other details, such as the number of emails scanned and the number of licenses used.