Tag Archives: wellness

Stop Buying Bottled Water! Here’s What to Do Instead

The average American spends about $100 on bottled water each year. Unfortunately, there’s little evidence that bottled water is safer or healthier than tap water.

First of all, many plastic bottles contain phthalates and other chemicals that affect endocrine function. Second, they leave a massive carbon footprint. On top of that, buying bottled water can be expensive in the long run.

Note that some bottled water brands use tap water. Although the tap water is treated, it may still contain bacteria and traces of heavy metals. Luckily, there are better options available.

Feeling confused? Here’s why you should stop buying bottled water and what to do instead!

Bottled Water May Not Be Safe

The safety of bottled water depends largely on the brand. These products are regulated by the FDA and must meet certain quality standards. But even so, the water may come from different sources, including local water supplies.

A recent study conducted on 47 bottled water brands has found that most of them had detectable levels of either heavy metals or PFAS.

Arsenic, lead, and other heavy metals may cause severe toxicity. These compounds have been linked to cancer, kidney damage, high blood pressure, and birth defects.

PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are just as harmful. Over time, these chemicals may lead to hormonal imbalances, cancer, and liver problems. Plus, they tend to stay in the human body for years.

Plastic Bottles May Contain BPA

Another concern related to bottled water is the presence of bisphenol-A, or BPA. This synthetic compound is used in the manufacturing of plastic products and may affect human health.

BPA can leak into foods and beverages, making its way into your body. In one study, subjects who ate canned soup (which may contain this compound) every day for five days had 1,221% levels of BPA in the urine than those eating fresh soup.

Some brands are now offering BPA-free bottled water. Unfortunately, this option isn’t safer either. BPA-free bottles typically contain bisphenol-S or bisphenol-F, which have similar effects as bisphenol-A.

Note that bottled water is bad for the environment, too. Its entire life cycle contributes to pollution and global warming.

Switch to a Water Filtration System

Bottled water won’t necessarily improve your health or protect against diseases. As far as its taste goes, most consumers can’t tell the difference between bottled and tap water.

Whether you want to stay healthy, make savings, or reduce your carbon footprint, it’s worth switching to water filters. A quality water filtration system, like the ones at FilterSmart.com, will remove dirt, bacteria, chemicals, and heavy metals.

Filtered tap water will always be cheaper than bottled water. On top of that, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re drinking clean water and protecting the environment.

While it’s true that a premium water filter may cost more upfront, you’ll save a fortune in the long run.

Stop Buying Bottled Water Once and for All

As you can see, buying bottled water is pretty much a waste of money. Most brands have detectable levels of chemicals and pollute the environment. Some are no better than tap water.

A whole house water filtration system offers more value for the money. It not only leads to cost savings but may also boost your health. Make the switch today—your future self will thank you!

In the meantime, check out the rest of our blog for other health tips. We’ll show you how to safely store water, how to get better sleep, and more!

Sleep better and boost your productivity


Having a proper sleep through the night is critical for our physical and mental health. Many people find it difficult to switch off in the modern era of technology. Watching television or using a gadget while lying in bed is a common practice. This practice hurts the sleep routine of an individual badly.

A good sleep has a direct relationship with being active and fresh the next day, thus affecting our productivity and creativity. Term Paper easy decided to take a look at the different reasons for lack of sleep, how lack of sleep can affect the performance, and how to combat it.

Reasons for Lack of Sleep:

  1. Addiction to the use of electronic devices such as tablets, mobile phones, iPad is one major reason for the lack of sleep. See the young people, how they are always addicted to their mobile phones while walking, eating, or lying on the bed. This habit makes it difficult for a person to switch to the sleep mode when lying on the bed.
  2. Another reason for lack of sleep is needless negative thoughts. These thoughts can be about the future or the regrets of the past. Worrying about a family matter, relationship, job, financial issue, or an event in the past (that has affected an individual badly) can lead to sleepless nights.
  3. Despite having no issue at all, still facing the issue of lack of sleep one has to look at his/her lifestyle. Poor diet and lack of exercise can also cause less sleep. Another major thing to have a check on is the consumption of alcohol and caffeine along with smoking. All of these things can affect the sleep badly.

Effect on Performance:

Lack of sleep affects the performance and productivity of an individual at the workplace badly. The following are a few examples of the impact that the research has suggested.

  1. Research by The Sleep School in the United Kingdom has shown that bad sleep for one night can reduce the productivity of an individual by 57 percent. It will affect negatively both mental and physical awareness. The same research has suggested good sleep is the most underrated performance enhancer.
  2. One of the most underrated effects of bad sleep is that the person starts to gain weight. Due to the lack of sleep, a person feels more tired. The individual takes high sugar and high calories food to increase the energy level and reduce the effect of tiredness. This food makes him/her overweight and it will ultimately affect the performance of the individual at the workplace.
  3. Lack of sleep causes physical tiredness. This tiredness damages the social, emotional, and psychological well-being of an individual. This effect on social well-being affects a person’s social interaction with other colleagues at the workplace. Emotional and psychological aspect also damage the social relationship.

How to Combat Lack of Sleep:

Now it is important to know how to resolve the problem of sleep after knowing the reasons and its effect on the performance. Here are two smaller steps to get proper sleep for better productivity.

  1. Being mindful is the best approach to have a better sleep. Mindful is all about living in the current moment. No need to worry about the sleep issue a person previously had in the past. Leave all such thoughts and try to breathe in, breathe out, or notice small things on your skin. This practice will help you to have a good night’s sleep.
  2. Normal sleeping hours are seven to eight, but it varies from four to twelve for each individual. Better to have an understanding of the minimum hours you need to start the next day as fresh and fully active. Knowing the realistic need for sleep will help you to schedule your sleep routine accordingly. The sleep routine will help your mind adjusting with the sleep hours and it will require little effort from you to go to bed as your mind and body will automatically initiate it.


For better productivity, a good sleep is necessary. We have highlighted in detail the reasons, effects, and solutions of lack of sleep. It can help both employees and employers to work together to maximize the potential of an individual.