Tag Archives: tips

5 Things You Must Do Before You Move Out of Your Old Home

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of moving from an old home to a new home. Moving to a new place offers a whole wide world of opportunities. If you’re upgrading to a larger, newer, and/or a more luxurious home, the excitement can be palpable.

However, before you get carried away, you need to make sure you’ve tied off all your loose ends. Is there anything you’ve forgotten to do or take care of at your old home? Are you sure?

We’re here to give you some peace of mind. Keep reading for a quick list of some of the most commonly forgotten details when leaving an old house behind.

1. Schedule Movers in Advance

First, and perhaps most importantly, make sure you schedule your movers a few weeks in advance. Depending on where you live and the time of year, you may have trouble booking a moving service the day of.

For some of the best movers, check out Moving Ahead Services. They are local and long-distance movers that also provide temporary storage. Remember, hiring movers is not something you should leave until the last minute.

2. Turn Off the Utilities to Your Old Home

Next, before moving out of your old home, schedule to have your power, gas, and water turned off. We recommend scheduling the cancellation a day after moving day. Canceling these services before you get everything out could lead to problems, such as not having a working toilet while you’re trying to finish packing.

Additionally, don’t forget to cancel your waste removal service, unless you want to keep paying for it after you leave. Finally, if you’re currently paying HOA fees, make sure you notify the HOA that you’re moving.

3. Change Your Address

One of the most important moving tips is to remember to redirect your mail. You can temporarily redirect it through the post office until you get settled into your new location. Then, you can officially change your address.

Additionally, make sure you notify the appropriate companies and people of your new address. Otherwise, they’ll continue to send you mail to your old home.

4. Double-Check Each Room

Before embarking on your local or cross-country move, go through the house one more time to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. If there is any furniture or built-ins, go through each drawer or cubby.

Check each room and the attached closets or bathrooms. Lastly, look through your storage areas, garage, and basement.

5. Cancel Your Existing Home Services

Finally, make sure you take care of your other recurring services specific to your old home. By this point, your utilities should be taken care of. However, don’t forget about:

  • Internet
  • Cable
  • Phone lines
  • Mailing subscriptions
  • Etc.

Additionally, remember to contact your insurance company to change your homeowner’s insurance policy. They’ll need to update your address and all the other important information. Failing to update this information will void your policy.

Are You Looking for More Lifestyle Advice?

Are you leaving your old home behind and looking forward to the future? If so, we couldn’t’ be more excited for you. We know how exciting it is to move to a new house.

Just remember to follow our quick checklist before you leave. And for more lifestyle tips, read through some of our other articles while you’re here. We have tons of valuable advice and information for homeowners like you.

Money on Tap: How to Start a Bottled Water Business

Did you know that 1,500 bottles of water are consumed in the USA every second? This huge statistic goes to show how big business bottled water has become. It is both a basic unit of life and also a fashion statement.

If you are considering getting into the bottled water business, what do you need to know? How can you get started and where can you find the needed equipment?

Why not read on to find out the answer to all these questions.

Where do I Start?

Even if you are planning to start at home, you will need to invest in some basic equipment to start your water bottling operations.

You will need to purchase a water treatment plant that can ensure that your water has the content and quality that you will display on the label. Following this, you will need equipment to sterilize the tubing and bottles that will carry the water.

As your operations expand you will need to employ trained professionals who can work with and guarantee the quality of the product.

What license will I need?

While it might seem simple to arrange the production of bottled water, you will need government approval to sell it. There are two kinds of licensing that you will need.

A general license from the Food and Drug Administration and a permit from your local state health department.

What Basic Premises Will I Need?

Depending on the size of your ambitions and initial production rate, you will likely need to spend at least $750,000 on your first bottling location. This will include your equipment for treating bottling and packing your water for shipping.

While you may be able to find a water bottling line for sale relatively easily, sourcing a water provider and forming a distribution network can be more challenging.

How Much Can I charge?

Depending on the price of your water source, you may be able to sell water at as much as 100 percent markup.

Initially, you will generally be able to sell your water for as much as $1 a bottle. However, if you are marketing your water as having especially high quality or as having specific nutrients, you may be able to charge more.

The goal for most bottled water companies is to establish a strong distribution network and regular customers. To be able to do this you may need to market your water at a lower price initially and then gradually raise your price over time.

How to Start a Bottled Water Business and Much More

Water is one of the basic elements of life and has become a huge business opportunity in recent years. If you have a unique angle and provide a quality product you may be able to succeed in the bottled water business.

If you are looking for other business plans and suggestions, then why not check out our blog articles? We gather the latest information and author independent articles that can help you and your business. Why not take a look at how we can help you today.

Tips For Choosing A Starter Credit Card

Starter credit cards are a great way to get a credit card for those getting their feet wet in the world of credit for the first time. They are distinct from secured cards which are for people who have a bad credit history and are looking to rebuild their credit.

Starter cards are typically issued to students and to those new to the work world that have no prior credit history. They provide a good way for these people to establish a credit history that if handled wisely, will allow them to obtain larger lines of credit at more favorable terms in the future, whether it be buying a car or a home for the first time.

Though beginner cards carry higher interest rates or fees, it doesn’t take long to move up to that higher level. The key is all in how well you manage the card once you get it.

The first step in managing the card is to decide how much you will put on the card from month to month. Most starter cards come with a limit of between $200-$500. A good rule of thumb is to allot only 10%-20% of the available credit for expenses you will put on the card. Many first-time card users make the mistake of maxing out their card every month, leaving them nothing for emergencies. Using too much of your credit limit each month is actually not what credit card companies want to see when they evaluate your credit worthiness. You can regulate your use of the card by trying to use it only for the same expenses every month, like gas or dinner out once or twice per month. By using this method, you shouldn’t be spending any more than you already do, at the same time building a positive credit score that can increase your opportunities for credit in the future. Before you know it, you will be eligible for credit cards that are not just for starters like you’ve been.

So where do you begin in selecting a good starter credit card? One good place is credit card comparison sites like cardsmix.com which will let you compare the features and benefits of various cards. Many people are surprised to see that some starter cards even offer cash back or points benefits on things like gas stations and restaurants, two things college students definitely frequent quite a bit. The sites let you compare features and benefits of various cards side-by-side and even let you apply for the cards right on the site. They’re a great way to make an informed decision about the best card for your needs as you launch yourself into the wonderful world of credit, a world that can enhance your life and enable you meet all the goals you have set for yourself.

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A lady’s guide to a car breakdown

Would you know what to do in the event of a car breakdown?

Photo by CC user andrijbulba on Flickr

The idea of breaking down in a car can give everyone chills but for women in particular, it can be nerve wracking to think about what to do if a car breaks down in the middle of nowhere or in an undesirable area. Some women – and men – will know their way under the bonnet of a car and it might be a good idea to let the engine cool down and then have a look to see if the problem is visible and fix it before continuing on their journey.

However, many women – and indeed men – don’t know what to look for when a car breaks down and often repairing a problem can only be done with the proper equipment. One of the best things that can be done when anyone breaks down is call a tow truck to help and a reliable tow truck in Perth or anywhere else in the world can always be found by doing a quick online search.

Below are some handy tips on how to prepare and what to do in the event of a car breakdown:

1) Take a phone charger

Always keep a phone fully charged up in a car on a long journey, so that it is always easy to call for help.

2) Source a reliable tow truck

Before heading off on a journey, always look online to find a reputable towing company that is easy to contact in the event of a breakdown. It is important to do this before leaving, so that a call can be made quickly.

Reputable companies will usually be able to tow any of the following:

  • Cars
  • Buses
  • Vans
  • Caravans/campervans
  • Trucks
  • Trailers
  • Bobcats
  • Forklifts

Check out the company website to see what services are on offer in order to find one that can be called upon should an emergency arise.

3) Pack water and snacks

Take lots of bottles of water and even some snacks, as it is impossible to know where the breakdown might happen and it might be hours before help can come.

4) Take a map

Reliable companies offering car towing in Perth or anywhere else in the world will only be able to find a broken down vehicle if the driver knows where they are, so make sure there is always a map to hand to make it easy to pinpoint the location.

5) Have blankets in the boot

It is important to be able to keep warm in the event of a breakdown, so put some blankets and warm clothing in the boot – just in case. Executive Towing Services provide tow trucks in Perth and this is an example of the type of tow company that can help in an emergency.

Carry a first aid kit, get out the way of danger if the car breaks down on a busy section of a road and stay as close to the vehicle as it is safe to be and having a plan in place in the event of a breakdown is always important.

What to Know About Installing a Stairlift in Your Home

Installing a stairlift in your home is not as hard as it sounds!

As you have gotten on in your years, the aches and pains of a life of hard work have slowly increased. For the most part, you have been able to shrug it off and soldier on, but recently, the pain of getting yourself up the stairs to your private domain have proven to be almost unbearable.

After weeks of living in denial, you have decided to acknowledge the plain truth of the matter: you need assistance of the mechanical variety to avoid burdening your also aging spouse.  Fortunately, there are affordable stairlift solutions that won’t break the bank, which is important to you and your partner, as you are both on fixed incomes that can’t take a lot of heat.

If you are still stopped up by “what-ifs?” though, permit us to assuage your fears by addressing some common objections to getting a stairlift installed in your home.

No costly renovations required

This is the first and most common challenge raised by prospects when considering bringing a stairlift into their home.  Bringing in this contraption is going to cost a fair bit of money, but it is often perceived that installing such a machine will require costly changes to the makeup of the house, driving costs through the stratosphere.

The excellent news is that the vast majority of stairlifts require no renovations to the existing bones of the house.  All that needs to be done is to mount the rail to the tread of the stairs, and most planning required is when a staircase is curved, but even then, all that needs to be done is to affix the rail so that it attaches correctly to the stairs.

Easy to move and adjust

Another common objection is that such a device would be a burden and annoyance to able-bodied occupants and guests in the home.  The reality of the matter is that most stairlifts fold out of the way easily when, for example, you need to move wide objects up and down the stairs.

Get a licensed technician to install your lift

So, you have decided to take the plunge and get a stairlift to help you remain independent within your own home.  Great!  However, we would advise that you inquire about getting a licensed installer to safely set up the device in your house.

A common trend nowadays has would-be thrifty consumers buying a stairlift, and then having a handy person with in their family attempt to install it themselves.  This can lead to a serious accident down the road, as many do-it-yourselfers are unacquainted with the potential problems that occur from shoddy installation.  What at first glance seems to be a perfectly functional stairlift could be a deathtrap in the making at some unknown point in the future.

Reclaim your independence

Don’t allow your age to rob you of your independence in the golden years of your life.  By leveraging modern technology, you can continue to enjoy your home for many years to come, no matter what your decrepit joints have to say about it!